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Shipping charge is the going USPS rate for an appropriate sized package
The Trout Tormentor: $2.00 each
A Colorado blade with matching metal beads set off by a colored 6mm trailing bead.
Stream Demon: $2.00 each
A French blade with matching metal beads and a 6mm trailing bead of various colors.
Quickdraw: $2.50 each
A striped #3 Colorado blade with matching metal beads set off by a colored 6mm trailing bead..
Specialty: $2.50 each
Specialty Colorado blade designs that entice even the pickiest of fish to bite. Available in size #3 blades with size #8 treble hooks only.
Plan B: $2.50 each
Painted dot design available in size #2 French blades with size #8 treble hooks only.
Witch Doctor and Game On: $2.50 each
Hexagonal patterns on a size #3 Colorado blades with size #8 treble hooks only.
Odds and Ends
Various different blades we have available as well. Availability may be limited.
White Deer Terror: $2.00 each
Available in size #2, #3, and #4 Indiana blades with size #8 treble hooks on the #2 and #3 blades and size #6 on the #4 blades.
Stars and Tight Lines and Baitfish $2.50 each
USA and Canada Flag Blades and a variety of baitfish blades
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